A lovely surprise to receive this email today for our studio rating in the top 3 best rated tattoo studios in Edinburgh! We were also given a huge compliment when we were included in @topman blog for the top 9 tattoo studios in the UK. They had interviewed top tattoo artist @mattadamson who works out of @kingsavetattoo and he had mentioned us to be included. Thank you so much for the shout out!
Posted on: Sep 05, 2017 @ 11:09
tattoo uk shoutout scotland tattooartist studioxiii proud edinburgh stxiii
A lovely surprise to receive this email today for our studio rating in the top 3 best rated tattoo studios in Edinburgh! We were also given a huge compliment when we were included in @topman blog for the top 9 tattoo studios in the UK. They had interviewed top tattoo artist @mattadamson who works out of @kingsavetattoo and he had mentioned us to be included. Thank you so much for the shout out! #tattoo #shoutout #tattooartist #uk #scotland #edinburgh #proud #stxiii #studioxiii
Studio XIII Gallery
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