Got to tattoo everyone's favorite idiot on the other day thanks for being rad and the extra add-ons it's like a three way puny tattoo now . . . . . . . . .

Randy CambelJordan-C

Got to tattoo everyone's favorite idiot on @grandmasterrach the other day thanks for being rad and the extra add-ons it's like a three way puny tattoo now
@sailorjerry @ricknmortyofficial @rickandmorty @nerdytattoosdaily

Got to tattoo everyone&039;s favorite idiot on @grandmasterrach the other day thanks for being rad and the extra add-ons it&039;s like a three way puny tattoo now
jerry sailorjerrytattoo sailorjerry sailorjerrys sailorjerryrum @sailorjerry sailorjupiter sailormoon rickandmorty @ricknmortyofficial @rickandmorty rickross theboss rum punny nerdytattoos geektattoo pun nerdytattoosdaily @nerdytattoosdaily tattoosmart tattoos tattoo geeksterink rickandmortytattoos  studioxiii tattooartmagazine

