Wee date day wi the missus in the spare room today. Who said romance was deadā€¦.pokey poke poke, happy endingšŸ¤£ ā€¦ love to all

Alan RossAlan-C

Wee date day wi the missus in the spare room today. Who said romance was deadā€¦.pokey poke poke, happy endingšŸ¤£ @jo_berry80 ā€¦ love to all

Wee date day wi the missus in the spare room today. Who said romance was dead....pokey poke poke, happy endingšŸ¤£ @jo_berry80 ... love to all  tattoos shiva trishula snake serpent snaketattoo shivatattoo tridenttattoo thirdeye serpentattoo dotworktattoo dotwork blackinktattoo spirituality scottishtattooer edinburgh scotland studioxiii tattoosbyalanross alrosstattoo lockdown

