Available concept with the talented emilianoemetattoo 👻 He has some space as early as next week and would love to doing some spooky concepts. If you’re interested, please contact him or us for prices ✨ StudioXIIIJune 22, 2022Jo-C
A lovely lady from our lovely resident youngcaviartattoo ✨ His books are currently shut but they should be reopening in around a month to book him into August/September time 💕 StudioXIIIJune 16, 2022Jo-C
Beautiful glass and rose piece by our resident Karolis ✨ 📲 sungazerink If you would like to get tattooed by Karolis, then please message him directly for a quote or fill out the tattoo enquiry form on our website 💫 totaltattoo barber_dts easytattoo_uk eternalink dynamiccolor lockdownneedle stencilstuff StudioXIIIMay 31, 2022Jo-C
Gorgeous piece by youngcaviartattoo If you’d like to book in with Omar, fill in the tattoo enquiry form on our website or send him a dm StudioXIIIMay 14, 2022Jo-C
Lord of the rings piece from our talented artist sungazerink As always, if you like his work and are interested in getting booked in, feel free to fill in a tattoo enquiry form on our website to get a quote. He currently has small spaces from the middle of May. StudioXIIIMay 12, 2022Jo-C
•important announcement• The lovely emilianoemetattoo will be joining us as a resident for the foreseeable. He is currently booking two months in advance and has varied availability at the moment so if you’d like to book, please either contact him or us directly for pricing 🖤 StudioXIIIApril 19, 2022Jo-C
An epic piece by our artist youngcaviartattoo from the Manchester Tattoo Convention last weekend! Omar is hoping to over his books soon so keep an eye on this space for all details of how and when to book in with him ✨ totaltattoo barber_dts StudioXIIIApril 13, 2022Jo-C
Beautiful leopard by our resident youngcaviartattoo ✨ Omar’s books are currently closed but keep an StudioXIIIApril 3, 2022Jo-C
Our resident youngcaviartattoo constantly amazing us with his talent 💥 • Omar has opened up limited StudioXIIIMarch 23, 2022Jo-C
We have the talented emilianoemetattoo with us from the 4th to the 7th and has some space for projec StudioXIIIMarch 20, 2022Jo-C
youngcaviartattoo showing off his versatility with this amazing colour piece of Ryuk🍎 • Omar is curr StudioXIIIMarch 1, 2022Jo-C
Partially healed project from the amazing youngcaviartattoo ✨ • Omar’s books are open but we are clo StudioXIIIJanuary 24, 2022Jo-C
First two days in a row of the year ❤️🔥 Thanks Alan 🙏🏽 Done at studioxiiigallery Omar GallegoJanuary 12, 2022Omar-C
Close up** Done at studioxiiigallery I am now taking bookings, send an e-mail to youngcaviartattoogmail.com for inquiries. 🙏🏽 Omar GallegoDecember 7, 2021Omar-C
Our artist youngcaviartattoo just doing his thing✨ If you would like to get tattooed, then please f StudioXIIINovember 24, 2021Jo-C
Squid Game 🦑 Thanks Callum 🙏🏽 Done over two sittings at studioxiiigallery Omar GallegoNovember 10, 2021Omar-C
Been vary lazy with posts lately, will try to catch up a bit! ☺️ Vik BaltrusaitisNovember 4, 2021Vik-C
Amazing work from resident youngcaviartattoo ✨ • Omar is currently on holiday until the end of the w StudioXIIISeptember 6, 2021Jo-C
Insane realism owl by youngcaviartattoo 🦉✨ we are obsessed! If you would like to get tattooed, then StudioXIIIAugust 11, 2021Jo-C