Machamp in a kilt for Ricardo, who’s picking up local flavoured Pokémon on his travels. Thanks for picking me to add to your collection. Courtenay DicksonFebruary 21, 2025Courtenay-C
Cutest little Eevee for Jet, always a lovely time tattooing you and getting to tattoo some Pokemon. I’m booking from January forward. Courtenay DicksonDecember 22, 2024Courtenay-C
Zigzagoon for the lovely Ruth, so much fun getting to do people’s favourite pokemons! Gimme a shout if you want something similar. Courtenay DicksonApril 29, 2024Courtenay-C
Happiest little Pichu on the Ankle to get a wee evolution trip started for Angela. I’ll be at the Scottish Tattoo Convention this weekend and taking walk ups. scottishtattooconvention Courtenay DicksonMarch 19, 2024Courtenay-C
Some available Pokémon designs! Let me know who else I should draw!! Some spaces available this week on the 28th and 29th, send me your ideas or pick from my flash! Courtenay DicksonFebruary 26, 2024Courtenay-C
The most joyful Mudkip and Kyogre for Jack, had the most fun with this one, we are a little bit red and perhaps a bit bruised. Hope it’s settling in well! Courtenay DicksonJanuary 19, 2024Courtenay-C
Black and grey Vulpix from my wanna dos a little while ago. Courtenay DicksonOctober 27, 2023Courtenay-C
Tiny ball of rage for Sam, thanks for snapping this one up from my wanna dos! I have lots more Pokémon drawn up or send me your favourites I have space on Thursday due to a cancellation so get in touch with me or studioxiiigallery to book in. Courtenay DicksonAugust 8, 2023Courtenay-C
Another Wooper from my wannados, thank you Sam for sitting so well and getting all fun things. Anyone up for more Pokémon hit me up! Courtenay DicksonMay 18, 2023Courtenay-C
Our lovely resident Courtenay has been killing it recently. Here’s some of her work for you to check out because I couldn’t pick a favourite 🌝🫶🏻 📲 courtenaydicksontattoo If you would like to get tattooed by Courtenay, then please message her directly for a quote or fill out the tattoo enquiry form on our website 💫 barber_dts easytattoo_uk eternalink dynamiccolor stencilstuff StudioXIIIMay 3, 2023Jo-C
The happiest pikachu eating an onigiri for Chloe from my wannados. Courtenay DicksonMay 1, 2023Courtenay-C
Little Vulpix to add to Katie’s collection. Always a lovely time tattooing some Pokémon, but I’m especially loving adding to this collection. Courtenay DicksonApril 24, 2023Courtenay-C
Paldean Wooper for Tiegan’s first tattoo. Thank you so much for picking me, and you say so well. Hope it’s settling in nice and easy for you. Courtenay DicksonApril 16, 2023Courtenay-C
A wild Gengar has appeared! This one is from a wee bit ago, that snuck way back into my camera roll and I lost it for a bit! I have some final spaces available on the 31st for March, and I’m booking April/May. Get in touch with your ideas or check out my highlights for available designs. Courtenay DicksonMarch 22, 2023Courtenay-C
Showing gen 3 some love, Treeko for Rory, love doing these in their Pokémon type symbol. Courtenay DicksonFebruary 17, 2023Courtenay-C
Fancy a custard cream or a bourbon biscuit with your cup of tea? The ultra cute Fidough in regular and shiny form hanging out with Sinistea! Thank you Katie for all of your super fun ideas and always sitting so well. ladytattooers female_tattoo_artists nerdytattoosdaily nerdytattoos Courtenay DicksonFebruary 8, 2023Courtenay-C
How bloody cute is this lil ditto by our lovely resident Courtenay 💜💜💜 📲 courtenaydicksontattoo If you would like to get tattooed by Courtenay, then please message her directly for a quote or fill out the tattoo enquiry form on our website 💫 barber_dts easytattoo_uk eternalink dynamiccolor stencilstuff StudioXIIIFebruary 2, 2023Jo-C
Super fun Cosmog for the wonderful Katie, always getting me to draw up the most fun things. I have some spaces in February and March available for booking so send me your ideas! Or snap up some of my predrawn designs. Courtenay DicksonJanuary 28, 2023Courtenay-C
Teeny tiny ball of rage for Jess. One of three that day! Thank you so much it was so fun to catch up! gap_filler_tattoos ladytattooers female_tattoo_artists Courtenay DicksonDecember 1, 2022Courtenay-C
Amazing Charizard by our lovely resident Courtenay 💥 📲 courtenaydicksontattoo If you would like to get tattooed by Courtenay, then please message her directly for a quote or fill out the tattoo enquiry form on our website 💫 barber_dts easytattoo_uk eternalink dynamiccolor stencilstuff 🔥 StudioXIIINovember 21, 2022Jo-C
Pikachu Raichu shin banger from a wee bit ago, never posted a still of these lovely guys. Thank you Kat, hope it’s settled in nice and easy! Courtenay DicksonNovember 10, 2022Courtenay-C
Sandshrew archeologist for a real life archeologist! Thank you so much Stephanie for picking me to get this while you were visiting. Courtenay DicksonAugust 25, 2022Courtenay-C
Cute Phantump by our lovely resident Courtenay 👻 📲 courtenaydicksontattoo If you would like to get tattooed by Courtenay, then please message her directly for a quote or fill out the tattoo enquiry form on our website 💫 barber_dts easytattoo_uk eternalink dynamiccolor stencilstuff StudioXIIIJune 21, 2022Jo-C
Wee shiny Phantump for Chloe’s wrist to add to her super fun collection. Courtenay DicksonJune 15, 2022Courtenay-C
A lil’ Totodile from the lovely courtenaydicksontattoo ✨ She is a lover of Pokémon and all things fantasy so if you’re a fellow lover, contact her or the shop for pricing 🌸 StudioXIIIMay 4, 2022Jo-C
Super chuffed Totodile for Daniel. It was so lovely to meet and chat Pokemon with you! I have spaces available from the 12th of May if you’d like to get something send me a message or fill out our inquiries form on studioxiiigallery Courtenay DicksonMay 1, 2022Courtenay-C
Couple of personalised Pikachu’s for the loveliest humans to remember their wonderful friend. Courtenay DicksonApril 17, 2022Courtenay-C