Well It could have been a better piece xD but im ok with how It turned out , messy edges and smudges around , its wat It Is You can tell i sort of dgaf but at the same time i do 🀣 I really enjoyed doing some drawing for my own pleasure, disappear in colors and shapes , distracting myself from reality I Will try to stay in this world for a while so i can rebuild the empΓ­re of my precious motivation I sincerely cant thank enough for all the people that always stick around and try to cheer me up You guys are a treasure i plan on keeping forever in my tiny Pandora box ive called my heart πŸ’– Aww im so cute xD i know πŸ₯Ί Bla bla bla anyway …like my pic No? Just a tap tap cmon i believe in you xD ahahaha Bless all of you crazy mofos!

Kalipso PogorzelskaKalipso-C